Sunday, December 9, 2012

QE4 not now

I am having second thoughts about writing this blog. Because I suspect audiences of blogs like this are yet to develop the taste for the quality that I am going to provide. Also I am not a big fan of firing airguns aimlessly. But existential questions for later

First a recap of last week:

It was FDI on and FDI off market last week with unexpected twists and turns in the two houses. It ended on a positive note for the government and so for the markets. FDI in MBR is now a law and very soon walmarts and tescos will show up. The reform processes unleashed by PC got a boost and stage is now set for more bold actions. Separately RBI guvs rambled about growth inflation dynamics and how they would take that into account in subsequent policies even though current inflation is above their comfort zone. Whatever that meant, but bonds rallied.

This week:

Heavy week in terms of domestic data and also the week where FOMC members decide upon the trillion dollar question. I believe markets will take a breather as Fed may play spoil sport this week and RBI repeats the same next week

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